body area networks, Deep learning, Digital Systems Design |
Computer Vision, Diffusion Models, Large Language Models, Retrieval-augmented generation |
5G and beyond, UAV-Assisted Cellular and Sensor Networks, Underwater Optical Wireless Communications and Networking |
News |
Localization, machine learning |
machine learning, Machine learning applications for wireless communication systems |
communication, Network Design, Signal processing |
body area networks, Energy Harvesting Wireless Networks, NOMA |
Computer Vision, Deep generative models, machine learning |
embedded systems, low power digital circuit, mobile systems, Signal processing, Wireless Communications |
Digital signal processing, Next generation wireless communications |
artificial intelligence, deep learning, optimization, TinyML |
Biomedical Signal Processing, Digital signal processing, healthcare, IoT, machine learning |
communication networks, Signal processing |
cybersecurity |
bioscience, Cellular Networks, living systems, Mathematical modeling, Tissue Engineering |
Green communications, Visible light communications |
Action understanding, AI4Science, Continual Learning, Multimodal learning, Visual Language Models |
Electron Transport, microelectronics |
Deep learning, Digital signal processing, Machine learning applications for wireless communication systems, Resource allocation |
machine learning, reconfigurable computing |
AI, Computer Vision, Deep learning, Reinforcement Learning |